Cancelled IOS/Android Kingdom Hearts Concept Art

  • KingdomHearts-1
  • KingdomHearts-8
  • Characters
  • KHO_Frozen_Color_Board2_03212013
  • Lilo_And_Stitch_Beach_Beach_Front_Cafe_Ruff_Concept
  • Tangled_Concept
  • Tron_Uprising_Docking_Bays_Area_1_Concept
  • Wreck_It_Ralph_Hero's_Duty_Drop_Zone_Bridge_Exit_View_Concept_V2_Floor_Cut

The early concept art for a cancelled IOS/Android version of the hit Kingdom Hearts franchise has surfaced this week. The artwork mainly consists of the worlds the characters would visit in the title, along with character art from each new world. The title was set to include the worlds of Wreck It Ralph, Frozen, Lilo and Stitch, Star Wars, Tron, and Tangled. The inclusion of Star Wars as a potential world is rather telling for the future of the franchise, it creates an inherent implication that the world could be included in Kingdom Hearts 3. This is something a lot of fans were clamoring for as it also opens the door to the inclusion of Marvel Comics characters and worlds.

The title was set to be called Kingdom Hearts: Fragmented Keys as per former programmer Scott MacDonald’s LinkedIn profile. The title was set to be a free to play action RPG for IOS and Android, and was being developed in Unity using C#. Unfortunately the game was cancelled some time in 2013. Scott MacDonald assisted with the implementation of items, crafting, inventory, user interface and networked high score portions for the title.

The concept artwork comes from Go For Launch Productions official site with a larger amount of images you can check out here and here. The playable characters present in the concept work appear to be characters new to the franchise. We don’t know if the title made it past concept and to a working version. It’s disappointing that this title was cancelled as it could have been the perfect way to create hype in advance of Kingdom Hearts 3.

Via KH13


Andrew Brennan
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