Tagged: Mac

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Review: Sunset

Sunset a game by Tale of Tales,  releases today on Steam for PC, Mac and Linux, earlier this week I took a tour of the game and here is what I found. The game...

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Castlevania 0

Castlevania Spiritual Successor Gets Kickstarter

Koji Igarashi (IGA), the mastermind behind Castlevania: Symphony of the Night has launched a Kickstarter for his new title Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. The game looks to be a spiritual successor to the Castlevania...

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Steam To Limit Free Account Access

Steam have chosen to limit certain features to accounts that have spent less than $5 in the Steam Store. They have chose to limit access to protect their customers from malicious spambots and phishing...

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Bargain Alert: Humble Origin Bundle 2

Humble Bundle and Electronic Arts have made the Humble Origin Bundle 2 available from https://www.humblebundle.com/. The bundle contains $134 dollars worth of games on PC available in 2 separate tiers. You can pay what you want for...

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Hearthstone Now Available On Phones

As of today, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft will be available on Android and iOS devices. This new version of the title features a redesigned interface for the smaller screens of phones. The game even...


Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Collector’s Edition Unveiled

Square Enix, Inc. unveiled the collector’s edition pack for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, the expansion to their title Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn earlier today. The collector’s edition package will feature the following items:...