Fallout 4 Officially Announced


Bethesda’s countdown has ended, and as expected, Fallout 4 has officially been announced. The title will be coming to PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The official site gives you options to pre-order and allows you to view the trailer, but little else right now.

Fallout 4 will be set in Boston this time around, confirming the rumour that had persisted for years. The game will be developed by Bethesda Game Studios. They have not worked on a title since 2011’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skrim. Taking the length of time they’ve been working on Fallout 4 into account it should be expected that development is pretty far along. There’s a possibility that Bethesda will announce a release date at their E3 Conference on the 14th of June.

Fallout 4 box art

Andrew Brennan
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