Author: Eric Gallagher

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Suikoden 3 Receives PEGI Rating

Suikoden 3 has received a PEGI rating, for release in Europe for the first time ever since its release in Japan and the US in 2002. Fans of the series only got to play...

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Review: Bloodborne

Bloodborne is one of the biggest titles we will see on the PS4. Released a little over a year after the PS4 was launched, I can say the game was well worth the wait. Readers...

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Retro Rant: Dragon Valor

Dragon Valor – PlayStation – Namco – 1999/2000 If you want an action adventure RPG, with platform elements both 2D and 3D, upgrades, multiple story paths with plot changing choices, and crazy dragon bosses,...

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Retro Rant: Dungeon Master (SNES)

“Are you clever enough to solve an evil wizard’s twisted puzzles? Do you possess the concentration needed to explore a labyrinth of mystery? Should you resist the tempting treasures, defeat the hideous monsters, and escape the...

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Final Fantasy XV Demo Impressions

In anticipation for the upcoming release of Bloodborne, I picked up a copy of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, to fill the void for a week. It came with a playable demo, for Final Fantasy...

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Review: Freedom Wars

Freedom Wars is set in a dystopian future where humanity has almost run out of natural resources and the race are forced to live in great city structures called Panopticons. You play a character known as...


Retro Rant: Suikoden

In terms of game play, Suikoden is all about the story. If you want to experience and old style 8 bit JRPG and haven’t got the time for or want an alternative to the Final...